
My name is Kevin Hughes.

I'm a web developer in Barcelona.



Lyriks is a fully responsive Spotify clone app built with React and using Redux state management. See case study here.


Yariga is a full stack real-estate management dashboard for desktops built using the MERN stack.


Krypt is a Web 3.0 blockchain app for sending and receiving cryptocurrency built with React, Solidity, Tailwind and Vite.


Mello is a responsive, and single-view, Kanban style to-do list application built with Vue.js. See case study here.


ChitChat is a messenging service app built with React Native. See case study here.

JSM ProSounds

JSM ProSounds is a fully responsive and modern full stack e-commerce application built with React, React Context API, Next.JS, Stripe & Sanity. See case study here.

English Quiz

English Quiz is a responsive quiz application built with Angular. See case study here.